Chapter videos

Click on the buttons below to access the videos relating to each chapter

Movement screening, joint mobility, and muscle symmetry

Plyometric training and the science of being springy

Speed and agility training – Performance chapter

Why the warm-up matters and how to make it count

Planning, goal setting, and reverse engineering

person using macbook pro on black table
person using macbook pro on black table

Performance monitoring, fitness testing, and data analysis - Performance chapter

The Programme

Excel sheets to record and analyse your Data

Click on the buttons below to download the resources relating to each chapter

dish on white ceramic plate
dish on white ceramic plate

Monitoring Total Daily Energy Expenditure

person using MacBook Pro
person using MacBook Pro

Performance monitoring, fitness testing, and data analysis

black click pen on white notebook
black click pen on white notebook

The Programme

Research Papers

Relevant research papers by the Author. Click on the buttons below to access the papers